The Proof of Uniqueness enables participation in the DAI network and creates a UBI for all individuals.

Participate in the DAI network to receive DAI Coins.

The Proof of Uniqueness is based on biometric technologies and communal identifications. It is an L0 blockchain in which one node is run by one individual, and one individual can only run one node.

The PoU is the participation protocol of the DAI network, a decentralised infrastructure that enables shared ownership and co-development of AI projects.

Proof of Identity

The DAI network allows individuals to run neurons of AI engines and rewards them with coins.

The DAI Coin

Proof of Identity Network

DAI supersedes centralised AI.

The centralised nature of current AI projects stems serious concerns for the humanity as AI creators and custodians will acquire a significant power.

Centralised AI is not accessible to individuals and will ultimately erase millions of jobs.

DAI, decentralised artificial intelligence, is the solution for these concerns because it enables participation, shared ownership, co-development of AI projects.

Learn how the PoU and the DAI Coin work.

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The Proof of Uniqueness is based on iris scan technology run by independent operators.

The Proof of Uniqueness combines Biometric Technologies and communal identifications.

Once an individual performs the biometric procedure, his wallet starts receiving DAI coins, moreover participants have the opportunity to run a DAI node and actively partake in the DAI network.

Operators are independent companies of any size, scanners collect the biometric data which is authenticated and processed by an AI engine stored in the DAI network. That makes the system fully distributed and censorship-free because everybody on the planet can access our technology and start receiving DAI Coins.

In a future phase of the protocol we envisage the creation of identification parties, i.e. gathering of people during which communal identifications that rule out the possibility of biometric attacks, or spoof identities, and therefore make the system fully secure and accountable in time. Identification parties are organised in a decentralised way by the code, there is no central entity or discretion in the organisation of the parties.

The PoU network not only is run by individuals but also offers opportunities to all: run a node of the DAI, operate a scanning station, or host an identification party to earn more coins and make your contribution.

The PoU has no pre-mining and distributes the whole value created to its participants.

Proof of Identity Network

The PoU has no center of authority, no single entity collects data or issues tokens.

In the PoU there is no central authority and all operations are decentralised: identification parties are randomly formed by the code stored in the blockchain, identification venues are operated without the need for operators, and biometric identification is performed not with biometric scanners but with an online technology.

Every operation of the network is the result of digital voting between nodes, where right outputs are rewarded with coins and cheating attempts are disqualified.

As every operation is carried out by the network of the nodes, the PoU is censorship free, and accessible to all individuals holding a smartphone and an internet connection.

Join the DAI network now.

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